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"I want to create things that help people understand each other."


That was what ran through my mind as I sat alone in my Pittsburgh apartment at the close of my sophomore year of college, making what would eventually become my first game. A little under 9 years later, that one thought has become my life's work.


As an engineer, game designer, and writer, I have worked in a multitude of genres and mediums, including video games, tabletop role-playing games, screenwriting, and more. I have also taught a number of arts-related courses and workshops—just a few of the topics I've lectured on in the past include dramatic writing, animated film and environmental storytelling.


I create games, write stories, and integrate games with story. I use art and technology to help people cross emotional and educational crevasses that they might not have braved alone.


When I'm not brainstorming ideas for my next tabletop campaign, you can find me writing songs well into the night, playing double bass, or disappearing into the woods.

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